
Workshop "Conspiracy Theories and Religion. Examining the Intersection from a Religious Studies Perspective”

12.09.2024, 10:00 - 13.09.2024, 17:00

September 12-13, 2024 | University of Zurich

Hosts: Loïc Bawidamann (University of Zurich) & Daria Hartmann (University of Münster)

The study of religion has long been concerned with so-called conspiracy theories. Yet, the Covid-19 pandemic has reshaped this field, sparking renewed interest, funding, and social acceptance for research on conspiracy theories. However, this surge has also led to a proliferation of publications across various disciplines, posing challenges in managing the range of research. The intersection of conspiracy theories and religion has gained prominence, prompting reflection on its implications and the role of such research in religious studies. To explore these themes, several scholars of religious studies meet for the "Conspiracy Theories and Religion: Examining the Intersection from a Religious Studies Perspective" workshop in Zurich and discuss the implications for and the role of the discipline in this controversial field.

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